由 Gabriel Smart 于 1/6/2022 撰写,分类:
Hey everyone! It's Gabriel Smart here back with another article. Today, we are going to be going over 速攻熊掌武士 Vmax! Rapid Strike is a deck that has been around for quite some time, and it continues to dominate the metagame. It's honestly really impressive that with so many formats where decks have countered it, it has still remained at the top of its game. In today's article, I will be discussing Rapid Strike Urshifu Moltres. If you are looking for any PTCGO codes in this article, make sure to purchase them off from the PTCGO Store! They provide one of the best prices of PTCGL codes on the market and they have an instant email delivery! Now, let's get into everything you need to know about Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX, with Galarian Moltres V!
速攻熊掌武士 Vmax
Since Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX's release all the way back in Battle Styles, it has remained one of the most powerful pokemon online decks in the metagame. Its first attack, Gale Thrust, deals a respectable 150 damage for one singular fighting energy. Although its first attack may be strong, GMAX Rapid Flow is really what makes this deck to another level. For 3 energy, it deals 120 damage to 2 of your opponent's Pokemon. Now, you might be thinking, that this isn't a lot of damage. Although at first glance, it is not a major amount of damage, paired up with Telescopic Sight (Vivid Voltage) and 帕西米亚 (Chilling Reign), it allows for us to deal up to 180 damage to our opponent's bench Pokemon! GMAX Rapid Flow has become one of the most powerful attacks in the game and has really shaped the metagame in many respects. Decks with Pokemon under 180 HP, really need to watch out for GMAX Rapid Flow, or else it will decimate them before they even have a chance to attack! Although Rapid Strike Urshifu is strong on its own, it needs a partner in crime, and this is where Moltres V comes into play. Let's take a look at the decklist!
神奇宝贝 - 22
1 克洛巴特V 超高频 44
2 伽勒尔火焰鸟 V CRE 177
1 帕西米亚 CRE 88
4 速攻熊掌师 V 英国夏令时 87
3 速攻熊掌师 VMAX BST 88
4 索布尔 CRE 41
4 毛毛细雨 SHF 99
1 英特尔龙 SHF 100
2Inteleon CRE 43
训练师卡 - 28
1 水之塔 BST 138
1 老板的命令 皇家加勒比语 154
3 进化香 SSH 163
4 快速球 SSH 179
1 能源搜索 SSH 161
3 莱汉电动汽车 152
1 气球 SSH 156
4 水平球 BST 129
2 能源转换 SSH 162
1 逃生绳 BST 125
4 教授的研究 SSH 178
2 玛妮 每次转化费用 56
1 望远镜瞄准镜 VIV 160
能源 - 10
1 战斗能量 能量 6
4 快速打击能量 BST 140
5 黑暗能量 能量 7
卡牌总数 - 60
关键 TCG 卡牌
Moltres V
As stated above, Rapid Strike Urshifu needs some extra support at times, and Moltres V is the perfect partner for it! Its ability Direflame Wings will allow us to set up its attack Aura Burn quickly. Rapid Strike's biggest weakness is psychic decks, so having a darkness-type attacker that can one shot cards like MewVMAX (Fusion Strike), Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX (Chilling Reign), or Dragapult VMAX (Rebel Clash), really covers this decks weakness. The strategy with this deck will be to use Gale Thrust, or GMAX Rapid Flow, and then finish them off with Moltres V’s Aura Burn. Currently, I am content with two copies of the card in the deck, but I have tested three, and I would like to potentially add a third one at some point down the road.
What is an Urshifu deck without Inteleon? The 英特龙 engine is one of the most powerful combinations of cards we have seen in years! Drizzle (Sword and Shield), and 英特龙 (Sword and Shield) provide the consistency that you desperately need with their Shady Dealings ability. 英特龙 (Chilling Reign) does not provide consistency, but it provides critical damage that will set up crucial damage on the field that will allow 速攻熊掌武士 Vmax, and Moltres V to take knockouts. Oftentimes, the main attackers of this deck will get ever so close to knocking out Pokemon, but they need that extra little push that Inteleon provides. Currently, the counts of this card stand as four Sobble, four Drizzle, two 英特龙 (Chilling Reign), and one 英特龙 (Sword and Shield). I am content with these counts in the deck as of right now. A third 英特龙 (Chilling Reign) has been tested in this deck, but I began to feel like I would draw into too many of them in the earlier portions of the game and it would clog up early hands.
帕西米亚 (Chilling Reign) is what takes this deck to the next level. Although GMAX Rapid Flow, is a devastating attack, its fault is that it does not do enough damage to two-shot many big attackers. With the addition of Passimian, its ability Throwing Coach turns an attack that will deal a combined 240 damage in one turn, up to 300 damage in one turn. This extra damage, paired up with Telescopic Sight, and 英特龙 (Chilling Reign) quick shooting ability will allow us to take massive five to six prize card turns on our opponent's two-three prize attackers. Along with its incredible ability, its attack Fling is no slouch either. I have won many games with Fling. Although it only does 20 damage, its own ability, Throwing Coach, increases its damage to 50 on Pokemon V. Although it will not come up every game, there will be circumstances where Fling actually provides critical damage that is needed to complete a game.
赖汗 has undoubtedly been one of the most powerful cards to have come out of Evolving Skies! Although Raihan is incredibly powerful, it needs a deck to truly thrive with. Luckily for us, 速攻熊掌武士 Vmax, and Moltres V, pair up with it better than most! Raihan will allow us to GMAX Rapid Flow turn after turn, and will allow us to power up a Moltres V in just one turn! Raihan is easily accessible with Drizzile, and 英特龙, which makes it a perfect fit in this deck!
Energy Search
Energy Search has been a card that has been legal for decades. Its very basic effect of searching your deck for energy has been overlooked by many pokemon online decks. With the Inteleon engine's rise in popularity, Energy Search finally has a place to shine. Energy Search turns any shady dealings ability into free energy, and with this deck playing 1 fighting energy, there will be many circumstances where we will need to search it out, which energy search allows us to do!
Escpare Rope has been one of the most clutch cards in this list. Oftentimes, you want to GMAX Rapid Flow, the active, but cards like Telescopic Sight, and Passimians ability Throwing Coach, only take effect on bench Pokemon. Having Escape Rope in this list forces the active on the bench, and makes the opponent promote something that they might not want to promote. Just the ability to put the opponent in an awkward spot can be game-changing, but the main purpose of the card is to allow us to unlock Telescopic Sight and Throwing Coach on any Pokemon!
Rapid Strike Urshifu continues to dominate the metagame and has established itself as one of the most consistently performing decks in the game. Its attacks Gale Thrust, GMAX Rapid Flow, and Moltres V’s Aura Burn, have carried this deck to relevance. I can confidently say, this is one of the best decks in the format, and Urshifu will continue to perform until it rotates out of the Standard format. Thank you everyone for reading my most recent article on PTCGO Store. Like I said before, they provide one of the best prices of PTCGL codes on the market and they have an instant email delivery! I'm pretty sure that you can find all the codes that you need to build this or any other deck right here at the PTCGO store! Brilliant Stars is just around the corner, and I cannot wait to begin looking into the brand new set! But with that being said, my time here is done for today, and I hope to speak with you again soon!
加布里埃尔·斯马特 是 PTCGO Store 的特约撰稿人。Gabriel 目前居住在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托地区,自 2010 起开始休闲地玩这款游戏,自 2018 起开始参加比赛。他在 Twitch 上以 GabrielSmartTCG 的名义进行直播,在 Youtube 上以 SmartTCG 的名义创作 Pokemon 竞技内容,并在 Twitter @ 上发布有关他的比赛结果和生活的帖子智能TCG比赛之外,他是一个狂热的棒球和篮球迷,热爱一切与体育相关的事物